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Home16 Days of Activism

Zonta Club of Cape Girardeau was well-represented at the Orange Out SEMO men’s basketball game!

Members passed out orange ribbons and orange “Zonta Says No” stress balls were tossed to fans.


The mayor recognizing Zonta for our 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women.


Zonta International Convention in Brisbane where we walked to the river for our Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women Campaign


We placed orange pinwheels to honor the 64 women in Missouri who lost their lives due to domestic violence

For more than 100 years, Zonta International has contributed to help achieve a world free of violence against women and girls through service and advocacy.

Violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations and a global epidemic. It knows no national or cultural barriers; it takes place at home, in the workplace and in open spaces, and affects millions of women and girls in peacetime and conflict. It includes psychological, physical and sexual violence, and harmful practices such as rape, female genital cutting, child marriage and human trafficking. Violence against women and girls threatens countries, inhibits economic progress, and prevents women from contributing to their community and creating better lives for themselves and their families.

During the 16 Days of Activism, 25 November-10 December, we influence the making and implementation of laws, as well as changing gender-based attitudes and behaviors to end violence against women. 

Zonta Says No to Gender Based Violence
Gender-based violence, or violence against women and girls, is a severe violation of human rights. Violence not only negatively affects women; it also affects their families, communities and countries. It knows no national or cultural barriers; it takes place at home, in the workplace and in open spaces, and affects millions of women and girls in peacetime and in conflict. Gender-based violence includes psychological, physical and sexual violence, and harmful practices such as intimate partner violence, sexual violence and harassment, child marriage, female genital mutilation and human trafficking

Get the Facts

Open and download a list of violence against women facts: 
Facts about Violence Against Women pdf

Open and download 10 Things Men Can Do to Prevent Gender Violence.


Zonta Says No to Ending Child Marriage

Worldwide, more than 640 million women and girls alive today were married before their 18th birthday. Some of them are right here in the United States. In the United States, child marriage is only banned in 13 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. 

Zonta Club of Cape Girardeau calls child marriage a harmful practice and a violation of child rights, and believes that marriage under age 18 should be prohibited in all circumstances. The risks are just as real for child marriages in the U.S. as they are anywhere.



Join Us 

If you need more details or if you have questions regarding the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign and how you and your club can get involved email Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women and girls in our local communities and around the world!

Contact Us at
PO Box 204
Cape Girardeau, MO  63702